Welcome to this page, it’s all about me!
I was born in 1984 in a small town in North Wales, eventually flew the nest quite late on (I was part of the Boomerang Generation after University) to relocate to Manchester, which is where I currently live, a stone’s throw from Old Trafford. Admittedly as a Liverpool fan, I do a lot of testing that theory!
My guess is that you are here because you know about me from my online exploits. I am a former SEO turned into WordPress developer, but in all honesty – whilst many of my friends are SEO’s – my true love is developing WordPress. You can read about my WordPress Plugins, my bbPress Complete Book, as well as view some WordPress talks I have done on my company website – Winwar Media. I also have contributed to WordPress 3.9 and 4.4 release, as well as a Volunteer Moderator on the forums, as well as help organise WordCamp Manchester 2015 and 2016.
This blog however is dedicated to my other passions. I am the world’s biggest fan of professional wrestling, as well as a big football fan – I support Liverpool, Colwyn Bay FC and the Welsh national team for my sins. I’m also gamer as well, with my console being the Xbox One yet I’m a huge classic gamer. I also enjoy travel, photography, and swimming.
This site is for all those interests, and more. To read about my thoughts on WordPress & development, read my Winwar Media Blog. For everything else, you’re in the right place!
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter, or drop me a message!