Loot Gaming July 2016 Unboxing – Stranded

Today we’re focussing on Loot Gaming July 2016 unboxing, which is entitled “Stranded”. This box I wasn’t sure if I was looking forward to or not. I’m only a huge fan of the Tomb Raider franchise, with the rest I have yet to see or play. Nevertheless it could wow me like The Metro Loot Gaming Box. Here is the video.

Loot Gaming July 2016 Unboxing Video

Overall, I was actually really impressed with the items here. There does seem to be items with the towel and the hip flask that I would actually use, and the Lara Croft has taken a pride of place on my shelf. Overall, a pretty good box!

You can see what happens with next month’s box if you subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

Own Part of the Crate!

From the crate, I’ve put the following things on eBay:-

To to subscribe to Loot Gaming, check out the official site here. You can get $5 off your first crate with that link!

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