Thoughts of a Pisshead on Dryathlon

So, it’s October, and I’m delighted to announce I successfully completed my Dryathlon. I had a few challenges, but overall it was fairly straightforward, and I had a few wobbles.

I surprised many people, but mainly I surprised myself. Last year’s dryathlon I managed about 15-20 days. Whilst I raised a decent sum for charity, I did notice a few things at my end. Here are some things I noticed during my Dryathlon.

I’m £300 Better Off

It is so scary how little money I spent this past month. I wouldn’t say I drank a huge amount recently, but this month the £20 on drinks, £15 on food, and an Uber home sure adds up, and they were gone this month. Instead of going out, I stayed in – and that saved me a small fortune (I worked out it was about £300). Hopefully in the months that follow I won’t go out as much as I did beforehand.

I Wouldn’t Say I’ve More Energy

One thing when people say they give up alcohol is “You’ll have more energy going forward!”. That I can say is bullshit, at least in my case.

Sure I’m waking up a lot easier and it’s nice not to feel like crap, but I don’t have quite as much energy as I thought I would.

That being said, it’s been so long since a hangover, I cannot remember what one feels like.

I Don’t Think I’ve Lost Weight

“You’ll lose weight!” they also say. I’m not convinced I have. I think because in the past month I’ve eaten a fair bit of crap (I’ve been so busy, and my diet has suffered), so whilst I’ve been exercising okay, I’ve been eating a lot of rubbish. So I’m not saying this doesn’t happen, I just think it didn’t happen to me.

It’s something I’m keen on fixing though, I’m going to buy a slow cooker for the winter so I can prepare lovely stews and warm hearty meals for the winter (I love warmer meals in the winter).

My Belly Is Smaller

With that said, I feel my belly is a bit smaller now than it was at the beginning of the month. My guess is that I’m not as bloated as usually am.

Friday’s Are The Worst

Saturdays and the week were incredibly easy to keep, after about half way through the month. The worst has been Fridays, as the post work drinks have become not much fun. Being the butt of jokes for not drinking gets tiresome, and also often being limited to coke, after a hard week in work isn’t great either. Furthermore this month I have been to a lot of free bars.

Never Drink San Miguel 0.0%, but Nanny State is Lovely

Of course, after the first weekend of Diet Coke, I decided to embrace the wide world of alcohol free beers. I drank 6 different non-alcoholic beers in total, and notes on what they tasted like:-

  1. Nanny State – Literally way ahead of the rest in terms of quality. Incredibly drinkable, tastes exactly like beer, and I can see myself drinking this when I return to drinking.
  2. Schneider Weisse Alcohol Free – Again, a really nice beer. Doesn’t have the sharp “yeah I’m not drinking beer” taste as the others.
  3. Erdinger Alkoholfrei – Was nearly 2nd, the aftertaste and the fact that it kept me wired made me not enjoy this as much. But tastes quite nice.
  4. Tesco Bavaria Non-Alcoholic Beer – A bit of a gap between 3rd and 4th. This was served to me in a couple of pubs in London. Drinkable, but a little less beer-tasting put it down the list.
  5. Becks Blue – Again, a huge gap from this to Tesco. This tasted bland with a slight lemony taste. Again, not unpleasant, but definitely not beer. May as well drink water.
  6. San Miguel 0.0% – Urgh. Utter dreadful. Served in a can that you get premixed drinks in. This tasted premixed. Long bitter lemon taste made this horribly unpleasant to drink. Avoid.

(secretly) Want To Continue

Here is the scary thing, after about day 22 of the Dryathlon I wasn’t missing alcohol. It was nice waking up without a hangover, and the social requirement of drinking beer disappeared. I’m curious to know how long I could go. Admittedly I’m probably will be drinking soon, probably by the time you read this, but as somebody who feels like I’ve never achieved anything, this has been a nice thing to achieve.

You can donate to my Dryathlon here.

Suplex Apparel Mystery Box Unboxing

A few weeks ago, I purchased a Suplex Apparel mystery box. I am a huge fan of Suplex Apparel clothing, as it’s a wrestling brand of clothing that you can wear out around town and not be embarrassed. There are so many terrible wrestling shirts out there (seriously, just read this article, though it misses the “Va-Chyna” t-shirt), but these aren’t amongst them. Let’s assume I’m a bastion of fashion knowledge with that last statement!

So they had a mystery box deal recently which was a little more expensive than the mystery boxes I usually review here (£35.99), but had at least 3 or 4 items in it.

So what was this box like? Well, here’s my video review.

Suplex Apparel Mystery Box Thoughts

Overall, I was absolutely delighted with this box. I love the joggers, and they have become my wear around the house trousers, when I’m feeling lazy. The t-shirts are superb too and wear them regularly.

This was only a short period of time, but you can see their current range (and sign up to the newsletter) on the Suplex Apparel site.

Dryathlong Way Gone and Lifestyle Changes



Behold my to-do list. It’s been one of my constants on how to manage things in my life. Whilst Remember the Milk doesn’t have a fancy API (which displeases me so), it is one piece of software I pay for regularly.

Anyway, you may notice some things on my to-do list. including my monthly reminder to watch Hal Robson-Kanu’s goal against Belgium. One thing you don’t notice is one task – go to the gym.

On 1st July of last year I contemplated a lifestyle change. Basically lifestyle changes are more successful than diets in my eyes as, whilst more permanent – they are often smaller. They sound scary, but are actually minor. A diet means don’t you eat chocolate. A lifestyle change means you don’t eat chocolate on Wednesday.

Which one are you more likely to stick to, and which one seems easier?

So my lifestyle change was to aim to go to the gym at least once every 3 days. I love swimming, so my gym is usually going for a swim for half an hour to 45 minutes. I switched to the gym near work. And if it’s lovely weather my exercise is a brisk 3 mile walk home.

In short, I had planned to write this blog post in July, celebrating one year of hitting the gym. But I was behind. Going to Wrestlemania, seeing Wales in The Euros and my brother’s wedding does that to you. But as of the 15th September, I’ve caught up. I’ve now been to the gym at least once every 3 days.

I don’t know if this has got anything to do with my Dryathlon, but I know I’m not skipping the gym to go to the pub now. Even post September, it’s something I really want to continue.

Loot Gaming July 2016 Unboxing – Stranded

Today we’re focussing on Loot Gaming July 2016 unboxing, which is entitled “Stranded”. This box I wasn’t sure if I was looking forward to or not. I’m only a huge fan of the Tomb Raider franchise, with the rest I have yet to see or play. Nevertheless it could wow me like The Metro Loot Gaming Box. Here is the video.

Loot Gaming July 2016 Unboxing Video

Overall, I was actually really impressed with the items here. There does seem to be items with the towel and the hip flask that I would actually use, and the Lara Croft has taken a pride of place on my shelf. Overall, a pretty good box!

You can see what happens with next month’s box if you subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

Own Part of the Crate!

From the crate, I’ve put the following things on eBay:-

To to subscribe to Loot Gaming, check out the official site here. You can get $5 off your first crate with that link!

Only Here for the Kraków (Oh, and a Wedding)

The final trip abroad for me this year saw me spend a fair few days in Kraków, in Poland, for my brother and now-sister-in-law’s wedding. Poland struck me as one of those places I’d go eventually, and seeing my brother tie the knot seemed like more than a good excuse to go.

I’m not going to talk about the wedding. I don’t feel it’s the place to talk about it here. Besides, if you really want to, they may share a video on their YouTube channel. But I will say fact it was wonderful and followed the Polish tradition of weddings going until silly-bugger-o’clock in the morning, but here are some highlights for me.


Things I did in Krakow

On the first morning, I took a walking tour from The Free Walking Tour Foundation. It was there we found out about the history and culture behind Krakow, as well as the weird quirks. One such quirk is the bugle player playing every hour. We also found out lots the castle’s connection to Australia, as well as lots about John Paul II.

The second day I took in a museum, the rather brilliant Krakow Pinball Museum. We’re fortunate in Manchester in that we’re close to the rather brilliant Arcade Club, but this was good fun. I’ve given full thoughts over on Retro Garden on the Krakow Pinball Museum.

Towards the end of the holiday I took another free walking tour, this time of the Jewish quarter. This tour was recommended to me to get a better understanding of Krakow. This was interesting but I feel I should’ve done this on the first day, though we were fortunate as I did this on a Monday, where many of the museums and Synagogues on the tour were open for free, and the company were licenced to take us around, which was great. I ended the day going into the  Oscar Schindler Museum, which is free on Monday. The museum focuses mainly on Krakow during the Second World War. It only has 2 or 3 rooms dedicated to Oscar Schindler. It is well worth going to, especially on a Monday.



Where I Ate In Krakow

Food wise, I spent a lot of time in the Alchemia Pub & Restaurant, which had a great range of not-exactly-Polish cuisine, with great beer. I also found a delightful coffee shop called Cytat Cafe which was quirky and gave you quotes with every coffee.

I also loved the food at Pimento Argentine Grill – I loved the Sweet Potato and Chorizo.

But the main event, the wedding, was the highlight of the week. I wouldn’t change that for the world.