Doing Dryathlon

So here’s the thing: the amount of booze I drink has dropped fairly significantly. Sure, there are still times that I have a drink or 6, occasionally showing up to work with a sore head, but since turning 30 the amount I regularly drink has dropped considerably. I also quite like sober me – he’s funny, with more energy and generally a more pleasant person to be around.

However, August was a heavy month for me, with stag does and weddings drinking everything from a cheeky ale after work to Polish Vodka. Now we hit September I’m looking for a change of lifestyle, maybe taking it easy for a bit.

As such, I’ve signed up to do September’s Dryathlon.

Fun fact: I actually did something similar last year, managing 13 days in October. Then Wales selfishly qualified for the Euros and I ended up celebrating with far too much alcohol on a Tuesday night. I even went on a date sober and everything. However beyond said date (who was confused as to why I was drinking coke in one of Chorlton’s finest real ale bars), nobody knew.

I hope that by publicly announcing it on here I’m able to actually complete the month. Whilst September doesn’t look too dreadful in terms of things on, there are a few things that would see me tempted to drink: Wales qualifiers for the World Cup, the obvious “just one” after work and – the big one – Chapter 36 of PROGRESS Wrestling. I’ll just have to channel my inner Jim Smallman for the last one.

Nevertheless, these sorts of things you don’t do just for yourself, as the chances are nobody will care. This dryathlon is for Cancer Research UK, so the hope is I can raise a some cash. I’ve set a modest goal. If you want to donate you can do so here, alternatively I’d be delighted if you share this post.

Donate to my Dryathlon Challenge

Thank you!

Loot Gaming June 2016 Unboxing – Arena

Nearly done on these!

This post is the Loot Gaming June 2016 unboxing, which was themed “Arena”. This box I was really excited about when I read what was in it because:-

  • It has an Overwatch themed item, which is my favourite game at the moment (I should really do a review on it).
  • None of the franchises seem terrible.
  • It promised a Funko Pop in it, that if I didn’t like, I could flog for a metric shit tonne on eBay.

But none of that would mean much if the contents was crap. Thankfully it wasn’t, here’s my video review.

So yeah, was very happy with the contents. I am on a bit of a clear out so stuck a fair few items on eBay, but I’m keeping the Funko Pop. It has a pride of place on my shelf. I also kept the t-shirt as it’s quite cool and subtle and not overly advertising.

You can see what happens with next month’s box if you subscribe to my Youtube Channel here.

Own Part of the Crate!

From the crate, I’ve put the following things on eBay:-

To to subscribe to Loot Gaming, check out the official site here. You can get $5 off your first crate with that link!

Zavvi Zbox June 2016 (Mutant) Unboxing

We’re nearly caught up! We’re down to semi-penultimate video – the final Zavvi Zbox review we’re doing is for the June 2016 box – entitled Mutate.

This box I expected a lot of X-Men things, so I wasn’t disappointed. Here’s the video review.

Zavvi Zbox Discount Code

There isn’t a discount code per-se however if you buy the boxes through Quidco you can get all three boxes (including a Zavvi Marvel Mystery Box and the Zavvi Welcome Box) for £15.

Is The Zavvi Zbox June 2016 Mutate Box Worth It?

This box was great! There are very few items, but the items you get are quite high ticket items. The Disney Infinity and the Fabrikations item were nice. Overall for a fiver this was pretty good.

Own Some of the Zavvi Zbox June 2016 Box

I’ve stuck the following items on eBay:-

What Do You Think?

If you have purchased this box, let me know your thoughts? Did you get something different? Was the calendar as useless as I found it? Please let me know in the comments!

If you enjoyed this video, please check out my other Unboxing Videos or Subscribe to YouTube so you can see more.

Loot Crate Surplus Sale – Mystery Box Unboxing Video

Right, we’re down to two boxes left to unbox! This one is from the Loot Crate Surplus Sale that happened a few months ago.

This box is a bit of a punt from the Loot Gaming April Metro Box Unboxing. After unboxing that box and selling a few items, I had a bit of cash, so I took a bit of a punt on this box. This was part of a surplus sale from Loot Crate, who sold a few boxes for $10, so I decided to take a punt to see if I get anything good. Turns out I do!

Please note, this video contains Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoilers. I never thought I’d have to write this (seriously, it’s been over six months).

We’ve got about 3 more unboxings to do, I think. To get to view them first,  subscribe to my Youtube Channel here so you don’t miss them.

Own Part of the Crate!

From the crate, I’ve put the following things on eBay:-

To to subscribe to Loot Crate, check out the official site here. You can get $5 off your first crate with that link!

Zavvi Zbox Marvel Mystery Box – Unboxing

So we’re two thirds of the way through unboxing our Zavvi’s Zboxes as we’re unboxing the second free Zavvi Zbox, this one is a Marvel Mystery Box.

Zavvi Zbox Discount Code

This box (and last month box), didn’t have a discount however if you buy the boxes through Quidco you can get all three boxes (including this box and the Zavvi Welcome Box for £15.

Is The Zavvi Zbox Marvel Mystery Worth It?

Overall this box wasn’t too bad, but wasn’t great. The comic was quite nice and the Funko seems to go for a bit. I quite liked the tin (I have used it), but the rest I put on eBay. Nothing in this box was inherently bad, but for me who wasn’t the biggest Marvel fan I wasn’t convinced.

But for a fiver it wasn’t bad.

Own Some of the Zavvi Zbox Marvel Mystery Box

I’ve stuck the following items on eBay:-

What Do You Think?

If you have purchased this box, let me know your thoughts? Did you get something different? Was the calendar as useless as I found it? Please let me know in the comments!

If you enjoyed this video, please check out my other Unboxing Videos or Subscribe to YouTube so you can see more.